
Monday, January 14, 2013

LED Lighting In RACO 175 Junction Boxes

Here are PDF albums showing installation of LED lighting in RACO 175 lighting junction boxes, in a new bathroom ceiling. I detail the procedure where one person does the work, with a few trips to the attic. Even with multiple workers, a safe attic ladder and attic lighting are important to getting the job done safely. 

As a procedure for a 4" Glimpse LED plate light.

There is a single Romex power cable here twist-connected to the kit quick-connector. LSGC instructs removal of the ring terminal on the green fixture ground lead/ security wire. Why? I have here attached the ring terminal to an 8-32 fixture mounting screw. It will be better to "bond" the ring terminal at the box "green screw", if all attachment at the green screw is with ring terminals.

Where professional electricians become involved with a national LED conversion campaign, I wonder what they will bring to further evolution of the hardware.

As a procedure for a 6" LED  disk light, Home Depot T67.

Please follow the link, for more discussion of grounding provisions and sensibility of hardware.

Please contrast this achievement of air-tight strong installation,  to what most people will expect, using a plastic box in a T91 installation. Where a box is not solidly set in the ceiling, it is hard to complete a seal around it. The seal is less important than the reduced power draw, but it is silly to skip maybe 20% of the potential savings vs. poor incandescent lighting.