
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A New Source For Glimpse LED Plate Lights

Until recently, I have chosen Leviton 9860 Closet CFL luminaires for attic lighting. 

Such lights cost $12.87 each, at Home Depot. This is a step up from a cheap porcelain lampholder with a fragile and dangerous bulb whether incandescent or CFL. The safety of a Leviton 9860 is dictated by any responsible electrician, yet my neighborhood True Value Hardware store will no longer stock them for me. Now selling porcelain and awful bulb, only, as demanded by uninformed, not-warned consumers.

The Leviton 9860 plastic shell protects the fragile GU24 CFL, once installed. Yet, I ended up with three holders minus broken or defective lamps. Home Depot doesn't sell replacement bulbs. I found them, not quite affordable, at, paying $49.27 for three, with shipping. I can't stand to throw away good hardware, but probably made a bad choice in the carbon footprint, too. 

Well, I got a return for my investment in knowing I was on distribution for notice of their CyberMonday sale yesterday, and now I'm getting around to the fact, in the subject of this post. didn't raise any flags, but I found they now sell the full line of LSGC Glimpse luminaires. I can now buy the 4" Glimpse I have only seen, and coveted. I know the less-bright 4" light will be a better replacement of can spot lights in general. I will bet that in a year, sales of the 4" will exceed those of 6" by double, at The 4" lights have been offered by LSGC since February, 2012, but Home Depot won't sell them, or acknowledge my suggestions to them in this. Until now the only Glimpse affordable to the public has been the 6" at 3000K color, at $37.97. Now, for $196.09, I will receive two each of 4" Glimpse in 2700K and 3000K color. A blog commentor preferred 2700K, and I will now get to find my own preference. I believe in a Lighting Facts label, not now used by Home Depot. The label suggests 2700K is quite yellow, and I may not like that.

The 1000Bulbs price is $45.96 each, whether 4" or 6". USPS Ground shipping of $12.29 for four is not too onerous.

Let us all wish 1000Bulbs well, and seek onward distribution means with bulk shipment, as by more-intelligent electricity utility sponsors. Let us know well, there is no less-painful way to save some energy and guard our planet.

I will use the 4" Glimpse in bathroom ceilings/ attic floor, nearly every time, from now on. In hallways, I will stick with T91's on dimmer switches. I will stick with the Home Depot source, in general. 1000Bulbs is only dipping toes in this game. They have no ready inventory, and need many votes from buyers, for that to change.

I surely hope I will be using Glimpse lights in attics too, where I really care about brightness. A couple of 6" Glimpse are equal to twice as many closet CFL. The installed cost of two 6" Glimpse is comparable to the installed cost of four Closet CFL, and the Glimpse lights will last forever. The switch to Glimpse everywhere may involve economy other than electricity at a rarely-used light. I'll try bidding this way for awhile. Half as many lights for the same money, and see what happens. Will I prove there is equal lighting? Perhaps customers will just like knowing LED lights will never collect dead bugs, a bane of the closet CFL.

I have accomplished the switch to T91's in the attic for one customer so far, with a really tall attic, an ample two lights set from a ladder, more than six feet above decking.

The photo caption states:
One of two T91 LED's illuminating a tall attic, is visible through the remnant of the found attic hatch. Very good lighting is needed for the careful operation of expanding the opening, to accept a drop-down ladder.

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