Again, please go to this web page:
Here please pick the document posted 4/9/2011, titled Floor Sealing. The pearl here is insight to the installation of a GE microwave oven with kitchen vent feature.
Both posts this date invite comment to a blog. If you find the read worthwhile, please say so.
This is free sharing of discoveries in matters of methods, materials and policies for energy conservation in our homes. Discoveries are mainly in work I do with business Phillip Norman Attic Access, in metro Portland, Oregon. Please see my web site for this work, with my contact information: I am Phillip Norman , 1-503-255-4350. Upon request I will email a printable pdf of any post, with translation and size as you wish.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Better Bath Fan Installation
Two lengthy dissertations will be presented, if one bothers to follow the links to a web site, where content is in pdf documents. Please trust that many will find useful discovery. In this post, I link to Panasonic bath fan installations, which include a better way to construct through-roof vents.
Please go to:
Please pick document posted 4/9/2011, Replace Bath Fan.
This parallels a blog posting and link to a Picasa Web Albums slide show:
Please go to:
Please pick document posted 4/9/2011, Replace Bath Fan.
This parallels a blog posting and link to a Picasa Web Albums slide show:
Sunday, April 3, 2011
New Construction Knee Walls
This home built year-2000 has garage roof trusses rising to second-story roof level. It gives contrast to thoughtles s knee wall constructi on where insulation was an afterthoug ht. The wall shell is closed with tightly-fi t 1/2" OSB. (The second-floor ceiling and attic floor, still with insulation pour on drywall, remains thoughtless and dangerous in such grand new housing. I head toward hard-shell covering of attic floors too. Insulation may stay at rest against gravity. Heat and misstepping persons, do not.)
This fits checklist, FRAMING Critical Details, "All knee walls are backed with a rigid material or other supporting material (e.g. wall to attic, skylight shaft, wall to porch roof, staircase to attic) (Thermal Bypass Checklist, Items 2.3. 2.4, 2.5).
The OSB shell was planned for in the design of trusses. I presume 2x6@24" joist bays are over-filled with R21 batts opposite the OSB.
This fits checklist, FRAMING Critical Details, "All knee walls are backed with a rigid material or other supporting material (e.g. wall to attic, skylight shaft, wall to porch roof, staircase to attic) (Thermal Bypass Checklist, Items 2.3. 2.4, 2.5).
This example conflicts with Energy Trust of Oregon Weatherization Specifications for existing homes, where no exterior wall is required, and in its place is called: WA 1.5—Open Wall Open walls that separate conditioned from unconditioned space, such as in garages that face a conditioned space, shall be sealed for air leakage, insulated to a minimum of R-15 (or the cavity must be filled), and covered with a vapor permeable air barrier to limit human contact - - -
It is NOT about human contact, but only the overfill and retention of insulation. An outside barrier that can not pressurize contained insulation, has no value. I am distressed that contractors in Oregon are compelled to place house wrap in this application. There instead should be movement toward complete hard containment, as in new houses.
Better than this simple hard containment, recognize too there may be insulation opportunities with crossing layers, achievable from the "back" side. A framer of a new house might not fathom the needs of an insulation installer. OSB pre-applied as in photos above, will have difficult application to better insulation of skylights.
Better than this simple hard containment, recognize too there may be insulation opportunities with crossing layers, achievable from the "back" side. A framer of a new house might not fathom the needs of an insulation installer. OSB pre-applied as in photos above, will have difficult application to better insulation of skylights.